Apex Investigation Solutions LLC

These 5 Private Investigator Cases Are Most Common

Apex Investigation Solutions • Jun 17, 2022

Private Investigators are an essential part of our society.

They provide an important service to their clients, helping people solve problems that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to handle.

Private Investigators are often hired by private citizens who have a legal right to investigate someone else's conduct. In this post, we'll dive into 5 common examples of private investigator cases.

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Here's What Private Investigators Deal With Most

Private investigators deal with a wide range of cases, from infidelity to missing persons. Here are the top five types of cases that PIs handle:

1. Infidelity

Infidelity is a common cause for concern. If you suspect that your spouse may be having an affair, it's important to find out if your suspicions are accurate. A private eye can help you determine the truth of the matter.

Private investigators have access to tools and techniques that can help you uncover infidelity in your marriage or relationship. They have resources that allow them to gather information on people without their knowledge and will work with clients on a confidential basis if they so choose.

If you're looking for a Colorado investigator who can assist you with uncovering infidelity in your marriage, contact Apex Investigation Solutions for a free consultation.

2. Child Custody

Private investigators are often hired to find out if a parent has abandoned their child.

An investigation expert can also be hired to track down parents who may have abused their children or even used drugs or alcohol in front of the children.

It's important for the court system and social services agencies to know about these situations so that they can protect children from further harm.

3. Background Checks

Background checks are among the most useful services that private investigators provide.

These investigations can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • employment
  • tenant screening
  • adoption
  • and more

When doing research on a person, an investigator can access a variety of sources, including public records, interviews with people who know the subject, and searches through the subject's social media accounts.

  • Verifying information about an applicant, such as their name and address.
  • Verifying employment history for applicants who have gaps in their employment history or were fired from previous jobs.
  • Verifying education for applicants who never went to college or university, but claim they did on their resumes.
  • Verifying references from former employers, professors, and others when someone's resume is suspiciously lacking any such reference contacts.
  • Checking into financial activities like bankruptcies or lawsuits involving members of the state bar association licensees have filed against them as an attorney (e.g., lawyer).

4. Worker's Compensation / Insurance Fraud

Worker's compensation fraud is a serious problem that can result in severe penalties for those who commit it, but private eyes are trained to find the evidence needed to bring these criminals to justice.

When an employee or employer suspects that someone has committed worker's compensation fraud, they can hire an investigator to help gather the information necessary for prosecution.

Insurance fraud is another area where private investigation firms can play a vital role. Many times, people will file false insurance claims in order to receive benefits they are not entitled to.

Private investigators can help gather the evidence needed to prove that someone has committed insurance fraud, which can lead to criminal charges being filed against the offender.

5. Missing Persons

Finding a missing person can be a difficult task for anyone, but private investigators are often hired to find missing people.

A professional investigator will do everything in his or her power to locate someone who is missing. The first thing an investigator will do is try to contact everyone who knows the person and ask them about their whereabouts.

If this doesn’t work, he might interview friends, family members, and coworkers as well as anyone else who may have seen them recently.

He also checks social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram because some people post information there that could help him track down where they live or what they look like now (if they changed their appearance).

If you think a friend or family member might be behaving differently because they have something to hide, hiring a private investigator may be the solution.


PIs deal with a wide range of cases, and they're good at what they do. They can help you find out if your spouse is cheating on you or if your child's teacher is qualified to be teaching in the first place.

They can also find out whether or not someone working for a company is really who he says he is by looking into their background.

Some of the best PIs are skilled enough to locate missing persons or people who have gone missing under suspicious circumstances. If you live in the Denver area or located in the state of Colorado and have questions about any of the private investigator cases we've covered, don't hesitate to reach out to the team at Apex Investigation Solutions for a free consultation.


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